An amazing pink sky this morning. Everywhere was bathed in a rose coloured glow. It really was quite lovely! My little front forest garden was a mass of orange , red and pink!
Teemed up with the gold from the birches ( now rapidly disappearing as the winds batter us every night!)
It really has been a beautiful colourful Autumn..
With quite a few power cuts so far ......................!!! Good thing we have lots of these!
A special visit this week from some friends from afar! George and Mark from San Diego came for a visit to Candlestick Farm and George was soon amongst the sheep handing out sheep nuts like lolly rations! l think they loved him!
And some great photos taken by my dad (who came as official photographer!) which gives an ideal opportunity with these photos to introduce each sheep as they appear! This is LaLa.. the boss of our little flock. She is enormous and is quick with a stomp of the hoof if she ever comes across anybody she doesn't know!
Louise, the Matriarch. Our oldest girl and the sheep we have had the longest. She must be coming up to 10 years old l think.
Fingal. THE greediest sheep on the planet. She eats ANYTHING.....Along with LaLa she would be about 9 years old. She came with us from our old house and had her first lamb here on the farm as did LaLa.
Then we have Fingal's boy Larry.............He is two. And as you know he is a favourite of mine..!
And the two year girls.....Shy, timid little Patch.............
And the gorgeous bolshy LJ.............Louise's daughter but definitely with a large dose of her Auntie La La in her AND the next boss of the paddock as the generations change!
And last but definitely not least.....little Insky......who tried so hard to look like a sheep in the possibility of some food being thrown his way!
Nice try Fluff Ball!!!!