Wednesday 2 November 2011

Ranelagh Sales

Took myself off to the Ranelagh Livestock Sale today. Its held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Its usually a good place to pick up a cheap chook or a duck .l went this time with sheep in mind. No such luck however. The main attraction there was the Wiltshire Horn which is a self shedding sheep with big curly horns. They don't really appeal to either of us for some reason.
Apart from them there were a pen of three beautiful black faced Suffolks but every one thought the same and they went for far more then we could afford.
But aside from that it was a fun few hours and l caught up with heaps of people and had a good old yarn (which is what you do at those sort of places!) Its quite the monthly social event of the Huon judging by the number of people there!
One thing that was quite interesting! When l first got there l kept noticing this enormous sheep with a lamb at foot wandering around the car park, the yards, the chook shed..everywhere! l initially thought it was someones sheep who had managed to escape her yard and figured some men with big hats and boots would come and muster them up at anytime.
Then l noticed she was always with this man! Wherever he went she was never far behind! A few times she lost sight of him and would start to baaaaaaaa and become quite frantic with worry until she spotted him again! The lamb just followed ! When l took this photo , he was getting a coffee and this big fat sheep just charged up and helped herself to the cake on the counter!!! l asked a few people but no one was really sure who he was. The man must be imprinted on this ewe as its Mum as surely a 'tame' sheep wouldn't go to such lengths to keep its owner in sight at all times? It was lovely to watch though!

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