l pulled out all the forget- me -nots and buttercups that had swamped the flowerbeds.............
l cleaned up the tree ferns that had severely got knocked back from the late frosts we had................
And savagely cut into the pop pom tree that blocks all the light into our bedroom...........
Oh yes and l cleared under the Grevillia so l can mow under it now................
Trouble is though, much as l LOVE the pruning, cutting, lopping and chopping l hate the moment when you look BEHIND you and see the trail of mess, leaves , branches and rubbish you have left behind!!!. l then spent the entire afternoon carting wheelbarrow after wheel barrow of cuttings to the compost and the bonfire. That bit of pruning l don't like!!!
It all got a bit smoky as l decided to burn the whole lot last night as l was a bit concerned as to toxicity of some of the plants l threw on the bonfire. A small problem when you have nosey goats that eat anything!!
And a couple of new additions to the menagerie arrived yesterday!
Mr Magnificent is very proud!
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