Saturday 1 July 2017

July 2017

Winter...... Some exceptionally heavy frosts to be had in July. l think we had 4 or 5 real white outs in a row. Big tall frosts that climbed right up the tops of the trees. Unusual for us here.
Seeing these photos you forget.............
How cold it gets!
But always so beautiful!
With little fluffy woolly ponies always happy to see you for a carrot and a bit of hay
As they head off to their paddock in the morning.
And July gave us a visit from these two from Sydney.
Our gorgeous little nieces, my brother and his wife Donna. 
Georgie was a big hit
As were our days out . Always great fun to be around these two.
And how can we forget . July was the month of The Burning Man...............An idea hatched over a bottle of wine the evening before..... A huge Wicker Man made of Willow and straw.....
Bonfire made and a picket put in place to hold him up
Geoff made the body. A cage of chicken netting and willow poles stuffed with hay...
Simon made the head...............
With help of course!
Out of reeds, willow, bracken............he really was quite magnificent!
Then the neck and the arms were put on
And the delicate operation of attaching the head to the rest of the body.
Without it falling off! 
On to the back of the its final destination.........the bonfire!
THEN the quandary of getting him OFF the ute and up onto the stack! He was very heavy!
Down.........but not up!
Job done! With ropes and stays.
Up he stood, solid as a rock!
An imposing sight with the backdrop of trees!
Mission accomplished! What a team!
Then down went the sun
The darkness fell.......................
A crowd gathered..............
And up in flames he went!
Almost seemed a bit sad to burn him!
But burn he did!
Until down he came..............A great night, a fun day and we are all looking forward to this year when we do it all again!
Maybe we should write a song about it!!