Thursday 8 September 2011

Bonnie Doon!

Spent the day organising new phone numbers ,electricity disconnections and re connections, post office boxes and such like. Glad we don't do this sort of thing every day! What a kerfuffle! l have spent a large amount of my day on hold and talking to robots!!
Thought l would put a few photos up of the house itself as l don't think we have done so before?
An aerial view of the block itself. With the house beautifully positioned slap bang in the middle!
The lane going down to the property
Just a peek of the house through the trees once you get down to the bottom of the lane. The actual property starts just over the bridge. Up until a few years ago it was an old rickety wooden bridge but sadly progress dictated it had to be replaced with an ugly concrete one! The old bridge timbers are still there lying in a discarded heap off to one side. We will grab then and try to reuse them back on the place somehow. Hopefully some will be salvageable.
Side view of the veggie garden area. Hills hoist, and all the utility parts of the place! A couple of big old Cherry trees and quite a few smallish apple ,pear, plum etc etc trees.
View from the back looking towards the house. Check out the size of that walnut tree! Isn't it beautiful ? It's a kids climbing dream!!
Another shot of it taken from the actual garden. Its thought to be about 120 years old.
The old original apple packing shed. Its 20m long and 8 m wide so it should hold a fair bit of gear as well as a few good parties!
 A picture of it taken inside. l hope all that stuff is gone by the time we get there!!!
 The hallway. All solid Huon pine doors and Baltic ceilings.
 The dining room what will be our sitting room. l do have a bit of painting to do!!
 The kitchen.
Can't wait....... 

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