Saturday 3 August 2013

A Winter catch up!

An evening at home alone with Geoff away watching a Rugby Union game with his Dad! l have a warm fire and a quiet house. What a perfect time to do a quick catch up on what's been happening here at Candlestick Farm!
Well Geoff and l are currently working on our "Next Big Thing! We have just started a week long holiday and hope to get it all done in that time. It's a bit hard to explain really so here is the start of it and the next day or so should show the result! It all involves making the yard bigger and the garden smaller and turning the silly little shelter under the Walnut Tree into a garage! Sound confusing??? It IS!!!! Stay tuned on this one!!
But its goodbye to this part of my picket fence as a heads up!!
What else?? Ahhh yes..........this!.................... (this is fairly humorous!!) What do you get when you cross a white feral pony and a repressed Indian?????
This!!!!!!! Also note the feathers plaited into his mane!
  Hang on there Max.......he's coming back at you again!!!!!!!
And then a final little spot on his nose.....................
Impressed????? l think the eyes say no!!!
The big fella thought it all fairly amusing to watch.........l just don't think he realises how close he got to having Zebra Stripes painted on him!!!!!!!!!
Then off to the paddock for the day. Geoff and his little mate.... 
l think he secretly loves it!!!
He would just never ever admit it!
And lastly we have been spending a bit of time clearing up down by the River.WITH goats of course!
 Toggles as usual displays her total lack of fear of fire
 And always wishes to eat what is actually ON fire!!! She terrifies me!
 Thank goodness there is always a bottle of wine on hand to steady the nerves!


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