Friday 21 March 2014

Our new tank

l just found these photos of our new tank that we had delivered several weeks ago now! We have three galvanised ones but thought it might be a good idea to have a big poly tank installed in readiness for one day one of the galv ones springing a leak!
It's a 24,000 litre one which is about as big as you can get! It all looked very precarious when it arrived on the back of the truck. Full credit went to the truck driver who issued his instructions and we all got it off with minimal fuss and hassle! And no one got squashed!!!!
Geoff and our neighbour Mal who kindly came over the paddocks to give us a hand.
It's attached off the barn which is quite a big roof space. We then transfer the water by pump as needed to our house tanks.
In place on its new stand!  Makes the old tank next door look very tiny!
The old galv tank is coming out and going elsewhere (if it stays intact!..... if it gets a hole in it we will cut it in half and they make great goat shelters). We will then build a covered area out over where the old tank was as a new hay storage we can fit our cars back in the garage!
Now we just need some rain to fill it up!

1 comment:

  1. That’s a pretty big tank! I bet running out of water wouldn’t be a problem for you. Haha! Kidding aside, it was great of Geoff some of your neighbors to help you out with it, otherwise it would’ve taken forever to move and install it. Thanks for sharing!

    Bert Aguilar @ Rain Fill Tanks
