Saturday 7 June 2014

A slow kind of Saturday!

We didn't seem to get a lot done today! Not surprising when amazingly we were still in  dressing gowns and pj's at 9am! (AFTER having fed all the beasties of course!!!) l think we were sorting of waiting for rain which never  actually eventuated! When we finally got our act together we went down to the Rivulet and dug out some Blackwood seedlings and transplanted them into pots. Hopefully we can put them along the fence lines if they survive the move.
We amassed our eucalypts and swamp trees (Yep! We need swampy trees down here!!) to go out sometime this Winter (protecting them from devious goats, huge horses, miniature bulldozer cows, sheep AND Wallabies always proves a challenge!)
The garden is looking very Wintry now with only a few die hard leaves still clinging to the trees.
Still beautiful though!
The Maple l planted last year has turned out to have beautiful brilliant orangey coloured leaves which l'm very happy with! l just want it to grow now!
Late afternoon we out to the Hay Paddock and set fire to a heap of old Willow branches we cut down last Summer.
Geoff + Fire=Happy!
THEN we go to unhappy!!  Up to get the goats to bring them in for the night. LET ME OUT .I WANT TO GO TO BED.......................................
Lizzy tries for the scary look..............
Whilst little Tinks hangs back as usual .Polite, sweet and incapable of making ugly scary faces!!
The gate opens and off they shoot. Down to their little safe haven shed for the night.
Not quite as luxurious as where Lilli is on this chilly night but not too bad!!


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