Saturday 20 December 2014

Pickled Walnut Time!

Saturday morning at Candlestick Farm. Lilli enjoying a few warm rays of sunshine on the back of the couch.
Geoff picked the first batch of Green Walnuts for pickling.
They all need to be pricked with a fork and left in salty water for the first stage. 
l put up (or tried to!!) our last remaining leg of picket fence and shifted wheelbarrows of garden rubbish. Where does it all come from!!!!
It's never ending!
We put the geese back out in the pond area. (and the Ducks) This time they loved it!!Especially the ducks.....................They swam and rooted around in the mud. The goslings flapped around under the water like crazy things! Under Mum's watchful eye of course.!
They all had a ball!
Except Peg. Poor old Peg. The second we got them out to the paddock off she waddled. l didn't have the heart to stop her. She ran back up the paddock, under the gate, across the yard and through the garden back to the orchard where she remained for the rest of the day. On her own ......She obviously would far rather watch Geoff pick Raspberries then swim in a pond like a normal duck.................Poor Peg!

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