Thursday 11 August 2016

A big sad week.........

A big and fairly traumatic week for us here at  Candlestick Farm. After literally  months of deliberation, procrastination and mind changing.......... we finally decided to sell the big boy Total Eclipse and on Monday morning he headed off on a transport truck to make the long trek up to his new owners in Queensland.
Sad isn't even the word for it really, but after 4 years we decided that our lives have veered off onto different paths and he was just sitting there in the paddock, getting older by the day and not really doing much at all............These horse need to work. Every day. They thrive on routine, on knowing what there lives are all about, He was hitting 10 in 2016 and if he didn't do anything significant THIS year, we would have had him as a great big (expensive!) paddock ornament probably forever.
NOT that that would have been a BAD thing......( had we had another 20 acres!!) just seemed such a waste of a beautiful horse.
Sooooooo to cut a long story short. Clips has gone to become a Drayhorse Shire.
He will be famous! It will be amazing to see him join this team of black Shires to become some of the most well known heavy horses in Australia! He will do weddings , funerals, shows and special events! He will be immaculately looked after and cared for and finally get to do what he was BRED to do!
The couple who have bought him used to own the same business in the UK
They emigrated to Australia late last year. They are now starting their highly successful business here and luckily Clips has become part of their team. He arrives up there on Saturday! So incredibly sad....... we have shed a few tears and we will miss him a lot..............but also very exciting and we can't wait to see him in a team of four in all his finery..........
Always beautiful and always a place in our hearts.............


  1. I hope your sadness at his departure will be compensated by your pride in his future life. The big guy needs to achieve big things and give pleasure to those who will admire him.

    1. Thanks Richard...... you are so exactly right!!! xx
