Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, if you have ever wondered what 100 x 1200mm Colonial Pickets, all painted, two coats, ready to go up on a fence look like you go! All drying on a scaffold that (thankfully) didn't collapse and send wet soggy painted pickets crashing down into dust, dirt and hay! (Phew!)
An endless sea of water based white gloss paint!
Very VERY boring! ..............WHY didn't l buy myself a spray gun????? All day it took me! ALLLLLLL day!!!!
l thought l was well and truly finished and done with painting these wretched things............but gardens DO expand as l have discovered........
So yesterday the rails went on and tomorrow........... (weather permitting!) the pickets get attached! Heavens!..... One of those rails looks terribly crooked in this photo!
Luckily they look straight enough once on the posts!
Looking forward to tomorrow armed with my trusty cordless drill and screws! Let's just hope l can get them all on in a straight line!