Wednesday 21 March 2012

Moving Day!

Yesterday l moved the sheep,goats and cows back up to the Big Paddock. We will have them in there for a few weeks then put them back in the hay paddock one more time hopefully before it gets too wet! They are so easy to move........we have this wonderful Sheep Dog......he's called Sheep Nut! Put him in a  tin and rattle him and the sheep follow him anywhere!!!
Little Tinks wasn't too happy about leaving the security of the shed and her home paddock and bleated and looked a bit sad there for a while but l determinedly walked away and she soon ran off after the other two. Thank goodness (so far, touch wood etc etc) our goats have no desire to climb over fences at all!
After Sheep Nut and l moved the sheep l then had to go look for the cows. Its hard when you have little cattle in long grass! l actually walked the entire perimeter of the paddock before l found them right back near the house!l had no idea they were so close and was beginning to think they had been rustled out of the place!Three little dots of black!
Sheep Nut did his work and they easily followed me into the Raceway . Note the REAL Sheepdog watching from afar!!!!!!Well done Treek! Good Girl!!!!!!!!
They all seem very happy up there and wasn't too long before they were little distant blobs on the horizon! Of course FINDING them every morning before l go to work will be fun!!!
By the way..check out this cucumber!!! l am sure that tripled in size overnight!!!
The beans are pretty long too though! l think side by side they have some sort of competition going on!!

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