Sunday 11 March 2012

Random photos from a lovely weekend!

A great weekend.Well not that great for me.. l worked all of it! But made up for by lovely quality time with Geoff when l got home each night. He worked exceptionally hard all of his two days off. He brush cut miles of paddock fence lines and cut and split the last of the wood! Wonderful! It's lovely to know now that the wood is in the shed (sort of!) split and ready to burn for the long cold winter ahead!
The sight that greeted me as l pulled into the yard when l came home from work.No more logs lying all over the yard! Hooray
The very last pile................................
We scrubbed out the water troughs in the big paddock as they were getting a bit slimy on the bottom. The water pressure from the Rivulet is so great l have to put a large rock on the corner of the hose when it is filling up to prevent it flipping all over the place like some giant worm!!
 Ably assisted by goats of course!!!!
It really makes you appreciate the value of unlimited water on a property as opposed to only being able to have enough animals that your water tanks will allow to supply!
This afternoon when l got home we headed off into the top paddock DESPITE the frequent occurrence at the moment of a very large Wedge Tail Eagle over the house!
The main problem we have up there are blackberries! We are starting to resurrect the electric fencing that is all in place and surrounds the property. It's been neglected for probably 3 or 4 years and the weeds and blackberries have grown almost out of control. Obviously when they cover the electric wires they provide a constant short which stops the fence from operating. Geoff spent 3 hours today clearing one fence line alone.
But even Geoff and the Wonder Whipper Snipper were stopped by....................THE Blackberry Bush from Hell!!!! About 8 metre across and just as wide, it straddles the winter creek making it impossible to climb through, cut, walk over or burn!!!! Serious consideration as to how to destroy this little number will be taking place these next few days!!! It starts here.................
And finishes here........................................dense........high.........thick.................. and very VERY prickly.............
We need it to be like this to get the fence to work......we have a lot of work to do!!!
Our goats don't help.......................................
Toggles simply clambered THROUGH the fence and ate the grass on the next door neighbours property!! Great! Nice one Togs!
 We all headed home to tackle it tomorrow.
A pretty flower has just appeared in the garden though!!

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