Friday 8 March 2013

Give a dog a Jelly Bean!!!

For a few weeks l have noticed (most bizarrely!!) a red jelly bean lying behind the feed bins in the barn. l had no idea why it was there and every time l saw it l would wonder where it came from. So today l made the supreme effort of moving the bin and retrieving the mysterious bean! Treeka happened to be standing right behind me (as she  does a lot) so l gave it to her! She had no idea what to do with it but was so touched (in her rather sad pathetic way) that she had been given something, she wanted to keep it!!! She must have aimlessly wandered around the yard for a good 10 minutes with this rapidly dissolving jelly bean in her mouth. Not eating it , just holding it ,periodically dropping it, staring at it and picking it up again. She eventually took it into her kennel and sat there for about half and hour with it carefully placed between her paws.
Lilli (who although was fast asleep on her bed) must have activated her radar nose and was soon sniffing around the outside the kennel wondering what SHE had that SHE didn't!!! l must say l didn't give it much thought after that..........................
Until later!!!!!....When l spotted it in her bed!...... VICTORY for the Chihuahua!!!!
l presume she has now buried it somewhere. No doubt l will find it one day with fur, hair and bits of fluff stuck to it!...........Nice one Lilli... You are lucky that the big Border Collie is such a kind and patient friend to you!!..............
Books and a candle at the table after dinner . Now time for bed. Good Night all .....

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