We are a bit game taking this on..........Not that we can't do it..........it's just that it will probably take us a while and we have created a few drafts and holes in the bathroom just as Winter is about to begin!
But anyway it's now on its way....Our slick new bathroom is no more.......it wont be as flash...but it WILL have a bath!
Goodbye beautiful clean white cupboards!!!
Goodness!!!!! Exposed is the 1980's reno AND the 1950's one! Love the mouldy pink paint!
The cupboards have moved into this useless area we call The Cat Room (Simply because its where the cats lived when we first moved here!) It's a tiny narrow waste of space which will now become sort of like a walk in wardrobe! That's about all it is really.
At the moment all our sheets and towels are piled up on the bed in the spare room!
And hello bigger bathroom!!!!
And hello window!!! Always there from the outside, but previously hidden behind the cupboards.
Ghastly old wallpaper!!!
Untiled floor......unpainted ceiling................lots to do! The next stage is to slice the end of the vanity unit off so the bath will fit!
Stay tuned!