Friday 14 August 2015

Still going!

Well Steven is now into day three of being away from his Mum and we can maybe now start to expect that he will probably pull through and be ok.
He is still very scared of us and isn't eating much at all which is a bit of a concern but he is  nibbling on grass and hay so we are happy with that.
He spent the afternoon in a baby chook pen which he liked and he seemed to be very impressed with the little red nesting box and spent considerable time in there as the day clouded over!
Chomping on a bit of hay!
Apparently lambs who have bonded with their Mums for a few weeks and then lose them can be very difficult to bottle feed (as we are finding!) they literally hate the taste of the formula milk and refuse to suck on the bottle (which is what he is doing!) He clamps his mouth over the teat, won't drink and it's quite frustrating and VERY time consuming! He is also grinding his way with his milk teeth through the teats and has chewed one virtually in half already! A trip to the Feed Store this morning to buy a few more!
They can also get depressed and need lots of scratches, cuddles and time spent with them so they cheer up. Also very time consuming! (sigh!)....................!
Poor little scrap!

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