Sunday 30 August 2015

Tip Shop Treasure

On Saturday l found this gorgeous little box at our local Tip Shop. l really have no idea what it is!
It was all green, rusty and tarnished but it scrubbed up a treat with a bit of elbow grease.
It's not real silver of course. It's the electro plated stuff but it is beautifully ornate and l haven't seen anything like it before.
Any ideas??
It has lovely engraving.................
Cute little legs!
A gorgeous handle!
And its maker's stamp engraved on the bottom. A company from Birmingham, England. PH Vogel and Co......Google....l love you!!! What is quite interesting is the hand engraved number 5385 scrawled above the makers I.D. What is that?? An inventory number?? No idea and l shall try to find out! Don't you just love all the questions old items like this conjure up?
So what to use it for?? My mobile phone perhaps?? It's a perfect fit!
l asked the cat but she wasn't talking!!!


  1. I think it is a 'Chafing Dish'

  2. l think you might be right!!! We thought of that as some sort of food warmer but it's very very low and it has a hinged lid. l have Googled them and there are a few sort of similar so I think you might be the winner Richard!! Bottle of wine for you! x
