Sunday 18 October 2015

Fire Ready

Today l spent a few moments putting together a fire kit for Geoff and l. It's hard to be fire prepared and fire ready on a place with so many animals. It's inconceivable for me to think l could leave the place and just say "goodbye kids.....good luck" If it came to it l wouldn't care at all about the house. We could always rebuild. But l would find it hard to live with myself if l never at least TRIED to save the beasties. So our Fire Kits are pretty simple really. Protective clothing for us. Boots, jackets, goggles and thick gloves.. A pair of bolt cutters in each bag to cut fences if necessary. A long length of rope and a knife to cut and make into halters if needed. A small plastic bucket with wheat in it to be able to rattle a tin and get the animals to a particular bare paddock OR a paddock to be able to cut the fence to let them go.
We can't always expect to be at home if it happened. We might both be at work and maybe not even have access to the place via our own road. At least dual access from two roads gives us more scope and the possibility of being able to reach a boundary fence . The bags are now in the cars. Ready to go. Ready to use. Hopefully NEVER to use....