Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Benches!

A few days ago l bought a couple of benches from a local second hand/junk/ shop. As soon as l saw them I knew they would be great for the garden. Made of hardwood ,heavy enough not to blow over in our strong winds and in pretty good condition.
l couldn't see a price ticket on them though, so l asked the lady in the shop how much they were. (as you would!!?) She didn't know and she told me that the woman who owned the shop wasn't in!!
l asked if she could possibly ring her and find out a price which she did. Or tried to! The owner wasn't answering her phone.l then asked the lady if (as she was in charge for the day)  could she possibly make an executive decision and give me a price as l WOULD like to purchase the benches if l knew how much they were! She ummed and aaaahed as she really didn't know but eventually guessed $20 for the two..........l winced and made a bit of a face (well apparently l did...l must have done........ as she immediately said........"is that too much???" l replied "well maybe a little bit as they ARE a bit wobbly?"
We settled on $15 for the two which at $7.50 per bench l was quite happy with! It IS a second-hand shop after all! l paid the $15 and told her my husband would be along to pick them up in his ute after work and off l went.
Geoff sent me a message later on before l got home asking how much l had paid for them? l said $15 for the two , to which he replied. "Great bargain..there is a price sticker on the back of each one saying 'Green Bench- $40 each'!!!!! ...............Oooops!!
I  feel a bit mean......but they DO look great in the garden!

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