Sunday 1 November 2015

Geoff's Last Day!

Back to work for Geoff tomorrow morning. l still have a week off though. We achieved so much this holiday and have worked long days and very hard but happy with what we have done. We DIDN'T spend a night in the camping wagon as planned and we DIDN'T go away up the East Coast as planned and we DIDN'T spend ANY time in the garden or Veggie Garden as planned................but........!!! Our sheep and cows are now behind a very professionally built fence  even if the cows weren't very happy about it!!
They wanted to be in the other paddock with their next door neighbour mates!
The sheep were quite happy though! Not that it takes much to make a sheep happy.........
It's not all done though as we still have work to do on the other length that divides the rest of this big paddock. We knocked off early today as it was very humid and we really really HAD had enough fencing ! We clipped the wire up and we just need to go back during the next week or so and attach it all on properly.
We have saved a huge amount of money doing it ourselves as it's a very labour and time intensive job building fences! l don't doubt that two people who knew what they were doing( as opposed to us who pretty much learnt as we went)  would have been a lot quicker but it still would have been good weeks work by the time all the holes were dug , bracing in , pickets in, wires run out, gripples on, netting rolled out, netting clipped on, gates put up.......phew it went on and on and on!!!
So the old ute came down from the hill for the first time in a week.
Followed by wee small dog.........
It's been a real workhorse and made our life so much easier!!
And it was also a great snake safe bed for both the girls!
Who insisted on being with us all the time..
Contemplating all the jobs backed up or his next fence line?? 
l know for a fact that l have a huge amount of weeding to do!!!




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