Wednesday 4 November 2015

Paddock Names

I spent a few very peaceful hours this morning painting some paddock signs for the gates. I have been wanting to do so for ages and now as l am on holidays AND we have three new paddocks it seemed like an opportune time! Sitting under the Walnut Tree on a warm day wasn't a bad idea either! Boards cut ,cleaned, drilled with wire and ready to go!
Paintbrush ...........check! Black paint...........check!!
It took forever!!!!!
But l eventually got them all done!
Then l got the fun job of hanging them on all the gates! We are an inspirational pair Geoff and l............ Paddocks are imaginatively named this one..........................Mal's Hill...because it is on a hill and our neighbouring property is owned by Mal...................Clever hey?? Note this photo came complete with Toggles's ear....
And this guessed it's got Broom in can  even see it in the background!!
Ha! And this one??? Guess!!!!.................Our neighbours on this side are..................THE BROWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now here is a curly one!  Well......not really. ....Blackwoods???......See that row of trees in the background???? guessed it ....They are Blackwoods......
Almost embarrassed to say really......maybe because Pete lives in the corner????? Well........he did....he died...........but his name lives on forever our paddock....
AaHA! Now HERE is one where we DID use our wild imaginative imagination!!!!! This isn't really a paddock as such. It's the area where the gypsy wagons and the campfire live. ..............
And l suppose l don't really need to explain this one?? Even though it's not Maxie posing behind the sign! He just likes standing in there to confuse people..............
Sigh.................................. and this is the paddock where we get our hay from.......................
And so it goes on............but l wont bore you with anymore.....
l will let the wheelbarrow attacking gander have the last word!!

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