Saturday 16 July 2016

Lamb Dramas!

Well ...not a fun filled few days! Not for me anyway! Too much stress and too much drama for my liking. First off was LaLa going into labour late Thursday afternoon. We put her in the barn as it's been a shocking few days weatherwise with a day of non settling snow and then another day of constant rain and wind. Not good days to drop LaLa decided she would!
Too many hours later  into the process with nothing really happening l decided that although we knew nothing, she needed help. Her waters had broken and text book speak says the lamb should be out within 20 minutes to half an hour max. When nothing happened and she didn't seem to be even trying l am sitting there trawling through Google on my iPhone trying to find more information on what is right and what is wrong. l found ONE site that said it's ok to leave for an hour...............phew............wait another half hour.........nothing. No lamb , no straining, LaLa not even  really trying...........Google ,Google Google....................Another 15 mins go long do you wait?? How long is a piece of string??? Very nerve wracking indeed. We finally decided after possibly too long that she needed help ..... in sheer terror l washed my hands, got the buckets and towels ,poured over photos and more Sheep sites and off l went!
It was easy to find two little feet and a big head ............then l had to pull! Oh my What if you pull their joints too hard?? Pull their head out of whack?? Oh was not fun. But I guess it's been happening for thousands of years and somehow l managed to get this little wee thing out and onto the ground. It was breathing and after clearing it's airways it was ok. Wow!!
Ten minutes later out pops half a head...........Twins. This one we decided to leave to get out itself. It had come that far it can bloody come out the rest of the way!!! But after what seemed like eternity it still wasn't making progress and then its little tongue lolled out the side of its mouth....... THAT didn't look right!!! Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....................IS that ok????? IS that normal??? How long do you leave a lamb being born with just its nose poking out ???
We decided to intervene.......and off l went again. Easier this time as its head was right there. This time a quieter teeny skinny little thing slid out..........Towel dry, give to Mum, sit and watch for a while then leave them alone. By then we really were not sure how strong this little fellow was. He really was so very small and weak................with a rolled over back foot that he couldn't walk on.
All this drama was watched by the way by the whole clan including little LJ who settled down with front row seats....
Next morning and they were both still alive!!! The little one was shivering a bit so he got wrapped up in a blanket which helped. He is so tiny! The first one is a lot stronger and heartier ....
Warmer now!
AND his little bung foot came good!
Cuddling up to a mineral block!
Soooooooooooooooooo that was one...................the next day in the afternoon it was Fingals turn. She tottered off to a quiet corner of the paddock and began the long process of churning out her lamb! l watched from afar with binoculars as l refused to get drawn into THIS one unless l HAD to! AND I DID!!! ................................Her waters broke and after about half and hour l wandered over to see how she was getting on.........and there's a tail...............JUST A TAIL?????????? Oh my god..... that's a breech birth! HOW DO I DO THAT??????? GOOGLE.?????????.................................I NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!
I rang Geoff but he was miles l rang good old Dad who lives much closer........Why?? l don't know really! l just think l needed someone else there!!! Possibly to hold the ewe? Possibly for moral support? Possibly to read my Google page to me out loud as l tried to figure out what on earth to do???
So off l run for more hand scrubbing, more hot water. ......more towels..............rush back and there's two hocks and a tail...............l wasn't sure of the urgency in a situation like this but l thought as the ewe was lying down and not going anywhere l should try anything before the Calvary arrived....So l poked ,prodded, twisted and ...whatever ........l have no idea!....and before l knew it there's a big lamb......totally lifeless and limp in my lap.....and l am soaked.......dripping with blood and ....whatever !  l cleared its airways and gently (as per Google!) swung him around until that amazing moment when l heard a little gasp for breath and finally signs of movement and life. Amazing!!!
Dad then arrived just as the little one began to stir and we stood and watch the miracle of a new saved life right in front of our eyes.
Looks like a little Gremlin!!
Up and at 'em about 10 minutes after birth!
Then safe and warm for the night in the barn.....
One more ewe to lamb.................fingers crossed THIS one will be easier!!

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