Friday 15 February 2013

Bats and mohair!

Today l went to pull some timber out of a rack in the barn and got a bit of a fright when out came this little critter! A fright mainly because l thought he was in fact a massive spider!!! Once l realised it was a little bat l was most concerned l had injured him as l dragged the timber out but he seemed to be quite OK.
He happily waited as l ran back to the house to get my camera then after l took a couple of hurried shots he took off and flew around the barn a few times then settled again hopefully somewhere quieter!!!
Lilli in the meantime has discovered "the pink mohair throw" that is currently sitting at the end of the bed to ward off any early morning chill we might have in the mornings. Her usual day time bed has been abandoned in favour of this pink fluffy one that she thinks is quite befitting to her!
 A perfect place to watch the day go by outside!!
The hot dry weather continues and life is spent filling up water buckets and watering gardens! Clips loves a good soaking and sidles up to the fence every time he hears the river pump is on to get cool refreshing bath!

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