Saturday 11 April 2015

Dramas in the street!

More glorious Autumn colour. It's hard to not grab the camera every time l go outside at the moment!
Geoff and l went into town in the morning for a few things and on our way back came across this enormous semi trailer with two containers on it sitting on the side of the road. We slowed as we went past as we recognised the lady who had bought the block next to where the truck was parked. As it turns out her entire life is packed in these containers. It had just arrived from Western Australia to be delivered on site today prior to building her new home.......... BUT.....................our resident dumped boat was preventing the truck driver being able to turn into her drive!
We all stood and ummed and ahhed for a while what to do.. l tried ringing the man who owns the boat but he didn't answer... An executive decision was made by the truck driver to attempt the turn with the boat in situ and off he went...........Note how teeny tiny and probably terrified the poor lady is! She is the little blue thing standing next to the gate!! It was a big truck!
He very quickly took out the fence post .................luckily she had moved by then!!
And gave the boat trailer a fairly good scrape as well...............he tried very hard..........
But there was no way he was going to fit that monster through the narrow drive onto that block! The dip in the road was also so deep that his mud flaps and wheel guards scraped down into the ground on his way in............ 
And pinged and snapped off as he reversed out. Poor guy!!! You had to give him 10 out of 10 for trying though when l think most people would have said no way without even attempting it!! The damage to the wheel guards was quite substantial but he was ever the gentleman and wonderfully philosophical about the whole thing.
l had to leave them all to it soon after that as l had way more genteel and important things to take care of. Like collecting a barrow load of Quinces with two very special little friends of ours that showed up for a visit!
It was serious stuff.........................
And we collected a huge amount!
They were so entranced with their chores they left their toys behind in residence in the garden!! It is tempting to leave them there really as they are quite sweet but l suppose l had better give them back!
Then an evening walk with the goats as the shadows fell............
Looking good Tinks!!
And a few short minutes spent talking to Poppy about her appalling table manners!! Check out that tongue!!
It fell on deaf ears though l think!
And a post note on the truck saga?? He took the containers off on the side of the road and arranged for a smaller vehicle to come and get them onto the block later that afternoon. Which it did successfully!. The boat is still there but the young owner who returned my call in his lunch break, is most apologetic and is going to try and move it or sell it as soon as possible. The truck driver came back this afternoon to our place to collect all his broken wheel arch, mud flaps and other bits which he had left in Geoff's ute. .Never a dull moment round here!

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