Wednesday 15 April 2015

Muster Day!

Sounds like a long day doesn't it! Hard work? Long slow hours behind dusty herds? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm not here!!! Moving stock around paddocks here is generally quite an amusing event! Take last weekend for example. We shifted the cows and the sheep into the Hay Paddock for a month to get some nice good quality grass into them before Winter and to rest the top paddock at the same time. Rattle a tin, close a few gates, give a holler and away we go!! Oh and did l mention stand clear? Here they come!!!!!!
Lala (the sheep) is always first. She would walk a million miles if she thought there would be a grain of wheat for her at the other end!!!
Poppy and Blue a close second. These two love being moved! They get terribly excited when they shift paddocks and we always get great amusement watching these two tiny fat little cows leaping around like frisky lambs!!
As long as you don't get in their way!!!
Phew! Missed me!! ..............................Followed by less excited sheep!
They know exactly where to go!
With just one heart stopping moment when the two cows did a detour over to the Willow Tree to grab a quick mouthful and somehow miraculously both missed the TWO paint pots l stupidly left sitting on the ground with the lids OFF!! Very lucky!
Off again with a hop ,skip and a lot of jumps!
With a sharp turn left half way down the drive..
Except Lala who patiently walked beside me the whole way as l had the rattle tin with food in it.............
All over in 2 minutes!  Too easy! The sheep get into the new grass straight away..................
But the cows have a lap to do..............
Of the whole paddock...............
Back finally. Puffing and panting with their ungainly gait and their short stumpy little legs still pounding away!
Stopped at last! It's exhausting to  watch them!!
But always funny too!

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