Thursday, 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015!!

Well another year done and dusted! Time to stride into the next one!
Let hope our next year is full of colour
And let's also hope this little fella comes to visit us again!!!
Happy New Year to you all from Candlestick Farm!

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Puppies,Puppies Puppies!

Both adorable. Both little characters in their own rights. Both huge time wasters! This little one Hugo is too cute for words! He's a soft boneless fluffy bug eyed little cuddly toy WITH attitude!
 Luckily he can't fit through the picket fence!
And goose feathers are a real treat!
And Koda! Mustn't forget the very sweet little Koda who loves a cuddle and a snuggles on the bed in the morning!
 Another end to a very big day!!!
They are certainly keeping us busy and entertained!

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Weather Extremes!

This week has been quite extraordinary weatherwise. In one week we had frost that burnt the vegies...., then boiling boiling hot (for Tassie) on Christmas Day then Boxing Day gave us a very cool  11 degrees, solid rain all day and the need to light the fire yet again!
l think it's these sort of dramatically varied days that keep us going down here!
Green and dripping!
We nearly expire from the intense heat ,watch the lawn brown off in a single day and see our cool weather plants wilt and droop  like they are never going to sway in the breeze again! We madly spend hours soaking ,watering and cooling our plants, houses and pets, only to be met with Wintry conditions the very next day!
 They do say variety is the Spice of Life!

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Koda and Hugo

We now have two little terrors boarding with us till next Friday!  Two Chihuahuas! They belong to Geoff's middle daughter Sammie who is going away for a few days. So a lovely Boxing Day lunch at Geoff's Dad's place....
With the gorgeous Sammie
And beautiful Bethie....
....and the puppy handover was made.........
And we came home with two little bundles of fun!
Hugo is the most adorable little thing ever and l am already scheming and plotting ways so that l don't ever have to give him back!
He is just too cute! 
Koda has a typical Chihuahua attitude and well and truly thought she could take on the big fella as we walked down the drive!
He DID turn around...................
But only to see what sort of mosquito type irritation was ferociously barking at his heels!
Checking out his new home!
And checking out Treeka's corner
Not quite game enough to go over there though!
Stepping into NOT ALLOWED territory!!
She soon got told!!
Getting to know Geoff! 
So much excitement! It's all too much!
Geoff getting bombarded by crazy pups!
Then off for a walk to run off some energy. 
Run run run run run run run!!!!!!
Koda thinking she can eat Maxie too! Silly silly dog!!  Someone needs to tell these Chihuahuas a thing or two about the relativity of size!
Run jump run jump run jump!!!
End of a very big day!
Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Friday, 25 December 2015

Christmas 2015

It was a hot hot Christmas Day this year with the temperature nudging well up into the high 30's in the afternoon. A quiet one with lunch away from the farm with Mum and Dad and then sleep!!!
Happy Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Frost in December!

Who would have thought!!! The end of December and we had a frost yesterday morning that burnt the tops off all the potatoes and corn!
Hopefully they will recover!  It's easy to forget that we are even part of Australia sometimes as the Mainland swelters and l am trying to clean out the horse yards with the tips of my fingers so freezing l can hardly feel them! Yesterday l nearly had to go back up to the house to put my woolly gloves on!
We have such a little micro climate happening here in our hollow half way up the hill. l think l recall a light frost last February from memory!
Thank goodness for the hot house !
Drown your frost bitten sorrows in a glass of wine Geoff! At least it was a beautiful evening!


Tuesday, 22 December 2015

The Dovecote.

l have always loved Dovecotes. And have always wanted Doves. In fact, so much so, when l first moved to Tasmania l bought 5 beautiful white fantails.... l had them 5 days. Each time they took off for a fly, one less came back  until l had none. The local Goshawks and Falcons appreciated them even more then l did! So l gave up on doves .....but now have this! l think we will stick to it being used as a bird feeder on a grander scale this Winter, as opposed to buying some more beautiful white delicate birds who would last 5 minutes up here!
At the moment it is sitting between the Vegie Garden and the orchard. Probably not its final resting place but it will do for now! It's about 2 metres tall so needs to be quite far away or else you are looking up at it from underneath! This is the first one built like this as its creator usually makes bird feeders and little houses. So this one is a special one off  made especially for me which is quite cool!
 l just love its little fancy roof!
Happy Christmas to me!