Wednesday 29 June 2016

Water Games

The ducks and the geese lead a pretty good life. They have a big orchard to wander around in They have grass aplenty, a safe shelter to go at night, a pond (which they don't like) paddling pools galore to play in, all the food they can eat......and yet....................
All they ever want to do is stand in the back porch, intimidate the dogs and the cat if they try to get in or out, poo everywhere and dabble in the dog's water bowl till it's all muddy and smelly!
And then honk and shriek in deafening, total indignation when l tell them to shove off!
Second best is playing in the small patch of water that pools on the path up to the back door.
They LOVE it and make it even muddier, sloppier and slippery !
It's just what they do!!!
 l think she is scheming a plot to be rid  of them!!

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