Wednesday 16 May 2012

Galapagos Duck!

Today l sent three of the drakes off to Market! It's always a bit sad sending them off as l am sure nine times out of ten they end up in someones casserole! We were going to try one ourselves but Geoff obviously didn't have the heart for it as they remained in the paddock! Four Drakes is always four too many as they are nothing but a pain as they chase the ducks around and around the place ,which in turn makes the geese shriek with indignation! This goes on at night too! So l decided that we would be a 'No Drake Zone' which meant getting rid of all four so the girls would have  peaceful quiet life! l must say l did have a little niggle of conscience when it came to the Lavender Drake as he was one of the two that got injured as a baby, but my steely resolve said NO they ALL go!! !So the morning came and l herded all of them into the small pen. All except Mr Lavender who came straight up to me as if expecting food!!!! l bent down and picked him up and put him in with the rest. (niggle niggle niggle!!!!) He then promptly got chased off by the three others and went and stood on his own in the corner.(NIGGLE NIGGLE NIGGLE!!!!!)..... Pity then got the better of me and l opened up the door and let him out!!! Oh dear.l'd never make a good farmer!!!! Same as when l saw Pushka on the lawn one day playing with a tiny mouse. Mice are the bane of our life as they get into the hay,multiply,poo,wee and generally chew up everything. l walked past and saw the tiny tiny little thing had crawled into a minute little hole maybe no bigger then a walnut. l peered over my shoulder to check that Geoff wasnt looking and bent down and placed a large leaf over the hole. l continued on my way and when l came back Pushka had lost interest as the mouse appeared to be no longer around. l picked up the leaf and there was its little face peering at me begging "dont tell her l'm here....dont tell her l'm here!". Keeping an eye on the cat l watched the little mouse hop away.Back to the shed....back to the hay...........................(sigh)So anyway, off waddled the Drake not probably realising HOW close to a cooking pot he had come. Or maybe he DID know as he went straight to a tub of water and had the most vigorous energetic bath l have ever seen! Maybe he was celebrating life? l'd like to think so!.
l've named him Galapagos Duck after the Australian Jazz Band! Lucky Duck might have been more appropriate!!

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