Tuesday 15 May 2012

Love them Bins!

The bins are a hit! Nestled in between two of the Macracarpa Pines they provide a total wind break from the freezing gales that howl across the paddocks. Judging by the poo though, l don't think the sheep get a look in and its the cows that get all the benefits! We will get a couple more and put them between the next two trees as well. Toggles (amazingly for her bulk!!) can hop up onto them which surprised me!
l tried to get her to do it when l had my camera but she refused. All she would get on was the tiny little stand we put across the goat shed door during the day to stop the cows getting in.
 Mind you..silly me thinking l could EVER get Toggles to do something  l wanted her to do!!!
When we let the goats out of their shed in the morning little Nigella here can't WAIT to get in just in case the goats might have left a morsel of food in their bins! She's quite a nervous sheep but will virtually run you down if you happen to be in the open doorway when she comes flying in. Strangely enough none of the other sheep have ever cottoned on and its only ever been her who has worked out there's food in them there sheds! (The goats don't really like her in their shed and try all sorts of threatening behaviour to stop her!!!...to no avail of course!!!)
Oh except Omar! He and Nigella are virtually inseparable! She has always loved him from the day we got her, and now he gets quite upset if she isn't around him! He finds it quite hard to lumber OVER the barrier we put up (to stop the cows!) but lumber over he does , just to be with his best friend! Very sweet!

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