Thursday 20 November 2014

Hands On Dad

We have two baby goslings this year. She originally sat on about 7 eggs, but not wanting 7 baby geese, l slipped a few out when she wasn't looking!! Geese sit for a long time and it was a very proud Mum and Dad that finally emerged out of the Duck Shed with these cute little fluffy balls!
Out of all the domestics animals l know l have decided that geese must be the most devoted of couples when it comes to protecting their young. Drakes and Roosters don't even get CLOSE when it comes to being possessive, vicious, bossy, honking , hissing fathers like old Bruce here!
It's really very sweet to watch!
As long as you don't get too close!
He touches them constantly and when even feeling slightly threatened ( if we just walk past!) he puts his head right down to the ground and rests his neck or beak on them for reassurance
Very endearing!
Nice job Bruce!

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