Sunday 23 November 2014

The Wild Garden

One of my favourite places on our property is a small part of land we call our Wild Garden. It sits right on the Rivulet, doesn't see much Sun and has some of the few big trees we have on the place there. And lots of stunning Hawthorn trees which have just finished blossoming.
 It also has lots of bracken and  blackberries !!
Plus a Winter Creek with water that runs above ground and below under beautiful mossy rocks and intriguing little holes !
Every now and then we get down there, light a fire and clear a bit more land of weeds. Yes they will come back but smaller and smaller each time.
Once the land is clear of the big stuff , the Wallabies soon come in and keep the remaining grass short as a lawn! That's the theory anyway!
Can you see the difference here? Might not look like much but it took me all afternoon!! Blackberry and Bracken gone!
Always look forward to the next time down there!

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