Friday 4 September 2015

More Land Clearing!

You might think possibly that after 4 years of being here we wouldn't have much rubbish, undergrowth and wild untamed places left to clear?
Wrong! We still have vast swathes of blackberries, bracken, fire weed, Spanish heath,
Cotoneaster, Himalayan Honeysuckle ,Broom and many other weedy imported escaped plants that thrive and grow and spread and .. grow... and......sigh!!!
Mind you....we do always really enjoy it!! It's a good excuse for a Sunday afternoon to grab matches, a bag of hay for fire lighting, a bottle of wine and a beer or two and head off to unknown places to burn!!
This particular area is a bank down by the Rivulet. It's thick with blackberry but also some reasonably large Blackwood Tree sapling, so burning had to be careful and selective.
It's also part of Bozo's night paddock so we DID have a bit of supervision! He is actually a pretty good land clearer himself! Once the area is cleared, he wanders in each night and stomps everything down and prevents most things getting a hold back in there!
 We got half of it done before the evening light stopped us. What we have cleared looks great and we look forward to getting back down there in the next few weeks to finish it off!

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