Sunday 13 September 2015

The Wood heater

A great bargain in our local classifieds the other day. This solid cast iron wood heater for $200.Too good to pass up so we snaffled it straight away and went to collect it on Saturday morning.  When we arrived it was way bigger than what we had expected and considerably heavier! There was no way on earth it was liftable with just the two of us, (about 200 kg Geoff reckoned!) Luckily the owners called up a young strapping lad who lived down the road who, (luckily AGAIN!) turned up very quickly with two equally strapping mates!! So between the three of them and Geoff, they managed to get it onto a now decidedly lop sided ute and off home we went. Very pleased with our purchase even though it doesn't really have a home to go to at the moment!
Of course getting it OFF with just the two of us back at the farm was never going to be quite so easy...........
Geoff had a plan.......and a sling was slung under and around the beast... 
Then a pulley assembly was rigged up in the barn........... 
It looked quite complicated....
The plan was to hook up the heater.............onto  the pulley.........attach other end of pulley to the other ute's tow bar. Drive other ute away and pulley will lift heater off newer ute. Drive newer ute away........leaving heater swinging in the air. Reverse old ute back slowly till heater was on the ground. Sounded logical.......sounded like a plan...a bit nerve racking.. but l guessed it SHOULD work ok...........until l saw Geoff (who weighs not even 70 kilos) swinging off the pulley to test it.......and l saw the barn trusses sag........and the front of the barn shudder...............and l said no...............we are not doing this crazy thing................not to the detriment of bending the barn!!!...................and Geoff said ok!!!  No telling me it would be fine.......Very admirable l thought! You know what boys are like when they have contraptions rigged up ready to go!!!
So Plan B was then up to me!! Girl logic? Hay bales...................
Tip it......................Gravity wins....
Legs off (Geoff's idea in case we broke them)
Moved some of the bales away so it slid down another level.........onto trolley and with reasonable effort we managed to wheel it into a corner of the barn..........
Phew! Barn still intact .......bargain heater in a safe dry place until we decided where to put it and Geoff and l still on speaking terms!

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