Thursday 10 November 2016

Finished at Last!

Done! Thank goodness! The back garden. Once an overgrown orchard. Now a (soon to be when the plants grow!!).......beautiful, peaceful, tranquil place. Done digging, mulching, weeding, cutting turf, carting turf, planting plants , carting mulch. building fences, wiring fences, painting fences, painting pickets, building picket fences......pulling out old fences!!!!......done, done, done! Yippee! It's taken a while but the results are fantastic and now all l have to do is mow and wait for it all to grow!!
The bridge we got for free that we sort of just dumped there over the fence!
Transplanted foxgloves from the sheep yards..
Heading back to the 'old ' garden!
All just so stunning in the late afternoon sunlight..
And the gates, finished also. A few ducks........
And a horseshoe on the gate post!
Two trees planted in each corner to one day throw shade over the whole yard....
A busy few days but oh so worth it!

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