Saturday 21 April 2012

Fainting Sheep?

Today we brought the goats in a bit early and trimmed up their hooves. Lizzie's were getting a bit long so we decided to do them all at the same time. We put them in the sheep pen and of course didn't they just LOVE it!! Toggles got onto the Milking Stand straight away and thought it was great fun! Somewhere new!!!
She stuck her head in the crush and thought it was all very interesting!
Tinks on the other hand tried to get the electrocution thing happening and was straight up onto the (foolishly placed) painting platform and was into the wires, the ropes and the cords for the lights and the pump!
Our sweet little Lizzie did nothing .She just sat down and contentedly chewed the cud. Why can't they ALL be like that????
They were all very well behaved especially Lizzie who is always a bit more nervous then the rest.The Milk Stand worked a treat too! Much easier then last time we did the sheep!!
After we finished the goats feet we decided to bring in the sheep  as it had been some time since we last checked over them. Not too bad but a funny moment when one of them (l think it was one we ingeniously named "Little Girl...." because she was.......once.........) came off the stand and lay down........and wouldn't move! Just sort of in a trance, a bit like a Fainting Goat in fact! Well maybe not QUITE as funny as a Fainting Goat but nearly!!
We had to physically hoist her up and send her on her way! Some sheep ARE stupid.Trust me!
We only had  enough daylight to do a couple more and check on old Omar who we think might have been stabbed by a goat horn as he has a hole in his head poor thing. We cleaned it up and it seems ok so we just need to keep an eye on it. It might get to a stage when the goats can no longer run with the sheep because of their horns. We shall see.
And a few pictures of Fainting Goats in case you have no idea what l was on about! Google them! They really are the saddest little things!!!

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