Thursday 26 April 2012

Sugar Cane from Afar!

Today Geoff was at work as usual and l got stuck into boring stuff like housework and washing!!! Once the day had fined up l ventured outside and mowed all the lawns. Not so much because they needed mowing ,more to pick up all the Walnut leaves that are falling by the thousand!!!  " The Worlds Longest Flowerbed With Absolutely Nothing In It " is now finally mulched the entire length and breadth with a mixture of lawn clippings, leaves and shredded sugar cane! Its strange to think how far this mulch has come and how different the climate is from where it began to where its ended up!
Tropical Queensland...........To damp Tasmania!
Anyway some of it is now on my long flowerbed so l don't have to worry about weeds and grass growing through as all my lovely manure rots down over Winter to make THE richest most fertile flower beds ever!!
Of course l do have the mammoth task then come Spring, to FILL the 23 metres of bed!!! All it has in it at the moment is an old wrought iron bedhead and the lump of metal and wood l found! l whizzed around with the secateurs this afternoon and collected a few cuttings of old faithfuls like daisies and geraniums. Hopefully they will take off and give me some free fillers!
l potted these a month or so ago given to me from a lady at work. No idea what they are but they all seem to have done ok. Violets l think? l shall stick them in the ground anyway and we shall see!!!
Its a start!!!!!
Talking of Tropical.......check out the Avocado!! l found it lost amongst the Maple trees and Pittosporums  (or PissedOffAgains as we call them as neither of us can pronounce the silly word!) seedlings. Geoff must have stuck an Avocado stone (seed ,whatever its called!!!) in a pot and its worked! l seem to recall somewhere in the back of my non gardening mind that an Avocado in Tasmania needs to be inside for at least the first two years of its life! l shall have to follow that up and look after it a bit! Can't imagine its going to like the frosts here!
The goats sat in the Sun. Enjoying the warm Autumn afternoon while l was doing all this activity!!!
Best sweet!

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