But the sheep are happy! Only shorn a week ago l think the rain feels a bit tickly on their skin !
We still have them around the yards to settle Withavee down so they were lucky to spend the two very wet days under cover if they wished!
He didn't mind at all either!
This poor fellow got stuck on the wrong side of the gate and couldn't get back to the shed! l just happened to notice him standing there very wet and bedraggled! He was most grateful to get back to the warm chook house!
And l never saw the horses all day! They were both in there somewhere!!
These girls had nooooooooo intention of going out! The spent all of the second rainy day in their house watching it teem down outside!
And ate! It was a bit of an expensive Hay day!!
Sat around chilling.............Dozed............
And slept..........
A lot!
Fat spoilt little things they are!