Tuesday 5 January 2016

More pickets!

The picket fence for my new garden extension is going up. A bad time of year really as the ground is very very hard! l dig a bit of a hole, dump a bucket of water in it then come back tomorrow!
AND l didn't paint the pickets before l put them up!! Will l EVER learn!!
This lot won't be very happy with me once it's finished as they do like sitting under the Cherry Tree! But you can see the mess they make! Feathers and poo!!
Hopefully before long the Silver Birches will be big enough to sit under instead and WE can walk down the steps in bare feet!!!
Plants to be planted to soften the edges and second coat to go on (Groan!!)
Getting there!


  1. The birds look like they are carrying out a 'Sit-in Strike'. Perhaps that's because they have crossed the Picket Line !!!!!

  2. Richard, Richard ,Richard..............
