Friday 25 May 2018

Louise the Dramatic Sheep

Louise has always been a Drama Queen..............Always.........She collapses in hysterical heaps whenever she feels a rope (collar ) around her neck. Well, maybe not a HYSTERICAL heap as she doesn't actually DO anything . She just collapses...............Well today Louise took 'Hysterical Over Reactive Drama Queen Sheep Hysteria (of the most passive kind) to a WHOLE new level...........
Oh and here is a reminder. This picture goes way back to 2013.......
So this morning we trimmed her the paddock..............she wasn't happy as we usually do them in the yards where we can tie her to the rails. She huffed and puffed around (and it was cold!) so Geoff eventually hoisted her over on her back (in the shearing postion) as that makes our life a lot easier! So when we finished we gently let her down onto the ground and went to get her little bucket of nut treats (for being a good girl!!!) ...........and there she stayed...............
In the exact same position in which she fell...................
Head in the bucket so no one else could get THEIR heads in...................
l must say l laughed a lot!!!!
Daft silly sheep!!!

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