Thursday 2 February 2012

Ute Makeover!

Did a bit of research on RSG Bratt who was the soldier allocated this land in 1946.Still a lot  more to follow up but its certainly very interesting!! He was an Ag Officer for the Apple Industry down here and also spent some time running the Lady Franklin Hotel in town. His brother was a boot maker in Franklin as well! The house l THINK he lived in is now occupied by friends of ours so l shall follow it up with an email to them to ask what research they have done on that side of the Family as l know they looked into the history of their place quite thoroughly.
Spent the afternoon painting the tray of the Ute! She now looks rather smart and will be easily spotted amongst the thousands of other white Utes in the Huon Valley!
The red bit was Geoff's idea!!!


  1. cool you've been finding out more about the house and its history dan.. can't wait to hear more! ps. the ute looks fab xo

  2. Yes Nat, the red will be very recognisable as we drive down the road. We got the idea from Ron and Yvonne as their white ute has the bars painted red.We asked Ron's permission to plaigerise. This could turn out to be tribal. Lots of white utes with red bars for the huon. Yellow for the derwent.
