Saturday 4 February 2012

Relic Finding!!

Yesterday l was sitting under the Macracarpa pine when l noticed a piece of metal sticking out of the dirt. Obviously unearthed by all the animals keeping out of the sun. It turned out to be part of an old cast iron pot. Geoff came over and within half an hour of easy digging in the crumbly soil we had unearthed quite a few little treasures! This is an old Gillette razor box with a serrated edge for striking matches underneath. Not earth shatteringly old but interesting all the same Especially after my foray to the Lands Department earlier in the week.
 l found an identical one on EBay !! Slightly better condition though!!!
OK, so l wont find one of THESE on EBay but its obviously from an era when people got all the wear they could out of the soles of their shoes before they threw them away!
This was hard to photograph without it looking like a large dog turd! It is in fact the top of a tea pot!
These are the broken pieces of the cooking pot. We have probably uncovered 85% of it. It has quite a decorative lip around the edge. Handles on the sides and on legs! l think we are still short one leg! lt would be fun to try and stick it all back together!!!
Part of the handle.
 A leg!!!!
And the Piece de Resistance is the old hook they used to hang it over the fire with! Hand made but still very strong.! So like l said, nothing very ancient but all part of the history of this old house!

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