Wednesday 22 February 2012

An Unwelcome Visitor

Went out in the car today and met a rather large black and white Pitt Bull Terrier type dog wandering around the road. Obviously lost and not knowing where to go. He sidestepped the car as l drove past but didnt slink away like a lot of lost dogs do. l drove past then turned around and went back home to call the Dog Ranger. l don't like to see stray lost dogs at the best of times but l like it even less when they are big scary looking and heading towards the house with paddocks full of lambs and calves!!
l rang the Ranger who was 20 minutes away in Cradoc but he assured me he would head out straight away and try and pick him up. l went back outside to the car and lo and behold there was the dog coming up the drive!!!!!! Eeeeeek!
Luckily he was very friendly, very tired and hot. l easily slipped a collar on and lead then called the Ranger back to tell him l had the dog in custody. True to his word within 10 minutes he was there to pick him up. Thank you Huon Valley Council!! He wasn't microchipped but hopefully his owner will reclaim him soon.
Certainly a worry though when we have our precious goats sleeping only metres away.

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