Sunday 29 March 2015

Another gate triumph!!

Today l didn't seem to do very much!! Apart from a bit of painting outside half an hour before it poured with rain! (sigh!)
l noticed this morning as l walked past the new ex spare bedroom the unusual marks on the far wall!! Quite intriguing until l realised they were patterns of light thrown from the lamp shade on the ceiling!!!
l moved a bit of outdoor stuff around to give us an clear view of outside when we sit in there The window is so low it's not much fun out looking onto the back of a chair.
So things got squished in corners. (this is a bad idea l know as in a week it will be completely tangled up in grape vine tendrils!)
And the Tea Tree plant climbing up the handrail got hacked down to a stump so we can see the garden better!!!
l also hung another gate! Two in fact!! This was hard on my own! They were most un-obliging and fell on my head several times until l got it right!!
One swings beautifully but the other one (the shut one obviously in the picture!) needs a bit of dirt dug out before it will swing properly. It might be easier to be a bit clever and hang that one to swing outwards but I am a bit over gates at the moment so it will have to wait!
l  also put the two angled pieces of wood in the middle as they didn't have them before when l made them originally and they kept leaning sideways every time l moved them!
They look ok, but not great! There is a definite art to hanging gates that's for sure!! But there is NO baling twine and no chocks of wood in sight!!! Nothing!! Yay! Well done me!