Thursday 23 October 2014

Pickets and Posts

Today was a bonus for us! Hobart Show Day, so a Public Holiday for Southern Tasmania only. Lovely for me when it's tacked onto my weekend!! A three day break!! Yayy!
The weather was just stunning and Geoff and l had a gorgeous day outside. (as usual!!)
l painted pickets.....................some very cleverly BEFORE they go up.....These are the tall ones for our front fence. The first 20!! So the shade of the Walnut Tree, propped up against the fence.....very neat.......nice.. relaxing...........
The next lot....................not so nice!!! The picket fence l built BEFORE l painted them!! Grrrrrrr.......All the little side bits..........all the grass............sticks to the pickets........paint on the grass...kneeling...........paint on the knees........brush wider then the pickets......paint on the hands..........paint everywhere in fact.............sigh ........and so it goes on............Thirty one pickets in all.........It might not SOUND like much but that's 62 sides....two coats so that's 124 times AND the horrid side bits  so that's another 124 times having to go up and down  AND the bar behind so all those little inny bits too!!! THEN there is the fancy decorative bit on the top! Aghhhhhhhhhhh ..............why didn't l go for wire fences!!!!
They always look nice finished though!! And for those who can count.........yes there aren't 31 pickets here.........this was the OTHER side of the gate! It was just a nicer photo!!!
Geoff had a very industrious day brush cutting and finishing off the posts for his grape vines.
It all looks very smart now............
 The grapes are tied up to the wire and ready to take off for Summer.
As is the Garlic. We will have lots of Garlic this year!
Lilli did nothing but bask in the  warmth. It's funny how she speeds up as soon as the Sun comes out! All Winter she lies inert on the sofa and now the days are warmer she is suddenly scuttling about everywhere! Dog hibernation l think!
And a wine to end a beautiful  busy day!

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