Wednesday 24 August 2011


Geoff and l are both hoarders! Both compulsive collectors! This becomes very apparent as l fill box after box of the same things!!
Geoff, as most people are by now very aware collects books!
He can't go past a book shop /op shop or second hand store without buying one (or two or three!). We have a fully fledged library and l am not brave enough to start counting exactly how many we have!
l on the other hand collect useless daft outdoor junk!
Like this stirrup made into a bell ridiculous thing! l saw it yesterday and just had to have it! It makes a rather lovely deep cow bell clanging noise and l can imagine rattling it to announce dinner time !!
Or these silly ducks!
And this wonderful rusty spider in it's web that hangs on the side of the house!
Geoff''s collecting obsession doesn't end with books though!
He loves seeds!
We have hundreds  of them! l don't mean bought ones in pretty decorative packets that tell you where to plant and when! We have jars of sunflower seeds, envelopes of tomato seeds, containers full of weird little round spiky things , matchboxes full of maple seeds! Bean seeds, poppy seeds (enough to give Afghanistan a run for its money l think!!!) Collected from the garden, other peoples gardens ,beside  the road.... everywhere!
Some of them eventuate into pots..............................we have a lot of seedlings in pots .......................but most of them l think will stay in bundles.. jars.......envelopes.................matchboxes............................!
Oh and candle sticks......................we have a lot.......... l can't help it.................. just one more never hurts....!

1 comment:

  1. I always knew you and I had much in common in what we liked and found interesting and this post just confirms it. I LOVE ourdoorsy stuff, the more the better says I and eclectic is GOOD! Right? But how lovely to read what your fellow collects and find that I too collect the same things! Books, tick. Seeds, tick. Can't wait to compare notes. Fantabulous photos ones again. Cheerio.
