Thursday 25 August 2011

Mr and Mrs Plover

Today was a rather stressful one for Mr and Mrs Plover ! And for me as l worry about them and now somehow even feel responsible for them, not just for my own sake but by letting their plight be known the world over!!
Out on the Oval today it was all happening. There l was happily painting away on the deck when l heard a truck arriving. Imagine my horror (and Mr Plover's)  when l saw them unload THIS!!!
The driver drove round and round and round with his circle slowly getting bigger and bigger. It was agonising to watch!! Mr Plover interestingly enough was nowhere to be seen at this stage. Maybe he thought this big loud monster was too big even for him!
Mrs Plover had no such qualms and sat tight flattening herself to the ground every time he went past!
Imagine my absolute relief when he finally was on track to run her down he  slowed  to an absolute crawl and very carefully maneuvered his way around her. Bless him!!!
So that was OK! Drama over with a happy result thank goodness. Off l went about my chores again,painting tidying making a massive mess and tidying etc etc.(and so it seems to go on!)
3.30pm. More noise, cars, slamming doors, lots of voices. Soccer training!!!!!!!! Aggghhhhh!!!!!
Poor Mrs Plover sat tight yet again as Pele's and Beckham's hot footed around her!
After half and hour or so (in the absolute torrential rain l might add!) they all went home and Mrs Plover breathed an enormous sigh of relief (as did l) and settled down for what hopefully will be a peaceful night!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel ill.... the anxiety was stomoch churning. I feel like stomping over to Mr & Mrs Plover and giving them a stern lecture on appropriate realestate choices... complete with waggling finger!
