Wednesday 31 August 2011

One of those Days.

Finding this on the back patio this morning was only the beginning of not a particularly good day!
It wasn't just the mere fact of finding at the back door half a disemboweled rabbit (and a big one at that!) It was more of 'who did it"?
Is Treeka sneaking off in the middle of the night? Butter wouldn't melt when l quizzed her but you never can tell.
Possum admittedly looked particularly evil this morning, but maybe that's the way she looks every morning until she has her breakfast and maybe it was only me trying to read 'vicious slayer of rabbits ' into those yellow eyes?
Lilli l think we can safely say is innocent. l know where she is at night and it definitely isn't gutting bunnies!
So anyway, we moved on, all that drama aside and with gusto l attacked the house. l decided to get stuck into the bathroom. l ripped out all the old silicone around the bath. Stood up on the ladder and scraped the flaky paint off the ceiling. Paint was flying everywhere but who cares as l am painting the floor..............later. Its actually amazing how much mess you can make renovating. Then l hear a text message on my phone. Its about 3pm.Its the Real Estate Agent...... Someone wants to come around tomorrow  to look at the house at Midday........Hooray............but........
The bath looks like this..............................
This is a good shot of the bathroom itself.
This isn't even mentioning the kitchen with its big dirty unpainted gap on the wall where we pulled off the cupboard last night................
So anyway its now 10pm and l still have to second coat the ENTIRE kitchen. Luckily Geoff painted the bathroom ceiling for me, but the place still is a hideous mess............................yes, l guess its just been one of those days! ! (and nights!!!)

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