Tuesday 4 October 2011


Yesterday we sold our first 'farm produce"
Well OK admittedly it was only 3 dozen eggs sold to people at work but that equates to half a bag of wheat so that's better than nothing!! Whats more is that l have a standing order for one dozen a week to a lady who works in the Garden Centre so the big bucks will soon come rolling in!!!!
We finally (on the very last day there) moved our fish and their home. The first night they were here we had an enormous frost that actually killed off all the new green shoots on the walnut tree! It was with a bit of trepidation l approached the bowl on the first morning to see if a) they were still alive and  b.) had they frozen solid!! All was well though as they are quite sheltered from the elements under the shadow of the  (bare ) walnut tree and the house. Pushka greeted them like old friends!! (Amazing neither cat has eaten them really )
Possum looked on from above. Which was a bit of a worry as she couldn't then get down and also there was a massive eagle eating a wallaby in the paddock this morning and l'd imagine a cat on a tin roof (!?) would be prime fodder!
l went to check the eagle out and was quite horrified at the size of it as it lazily flew up into the trees as l approached. l hurled the dead wallaby over the fence in the paddock next door and asked it kindly to stay over that side of the fence. l am a bit nervous today at work seeing one so close to the house l must admit
Treek came with me but as was to be expected was totally useless! Luckily l didn't take Lilli to give the eagle an idea of what was on the menu here now!

Day off tomorrow and might change the colour of the toilet! Really not into the aqua marine blue especially the cistern!!!
Then might do some planting! We have a lot of pots and plants bursting to get out!


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