Wednesday 26 October 2011


Today l went and met a lady in the Woolworth's Car Park in Sorrel to pick up four geese!  She had lots of young goslings for sale and for $5 each l thought they were a bargain! We have lots of grass in our orchard and as 3 geese eat as much as one sheep l was looking forward to four geese munching away by this afternoon! The gosling below is kind of what l was expecting!
Imagine my shock and surprise when l was handed these tiny little things!!
l had no idea they were going to be so small!! They won't be eating much grass for a while!!!  But aren't they so sweet!!???

Of course l was totally unprepared for such 'smallness' and spent the rest of the afternoon hastily constructing a pen to put them in. Luckily they are about one millimetre too wide to fit straight through the wire holes in the chicken wire! Phew! l had never thought of that until they frantically tried it as soon as l put them in and thankfully failed!!. Geoff came back  from work and we covered it all with netting to keep the goshawks away.....falcons.....eagles............. cats..........!
It's not so much the fact that they are so small , our baby chickens are much tinier, its more the fact that having no Mum,they have no radar, no watcher and no protector. Very vulnerable little things they be!
Lilli LOVES them! In the "l want to eat them....... l want to bite their heads off if only they would poke them through the wire..........l want to chase them"..............sort of way
Then they need to come in at night as its too cold to be outside with no Mum to snuggle under. So the store room is nursery to four little goslings in a huge Ansett Dog Crate covered with Geoff's painting floor canvas to keep them warm. l was a bit worried they would need a heat lamp but l just went out there and picked a couple up and their little feet were warm as toast so l will assume they will be OK!
Reminds me of the days l raised Duck my Swan!!! Lots of poo, lots of cheeping ,lots of fun!

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